Irkutsk city, Russia, 3 - 8 July 2023.

Russian   English   Registration


LLPh-2018-inform-en.pdf     LLPh-2018-program-en.pdf


Addresses and phones of the Organizing Committee

E-mail address: LLPh@bk.ru. Official web-site of the conference: http://www.llph.ru .
Mailing address: Organizing Committee of LLPh-2018, Irkutsk Branch of Institute of Laser Physics SB RAS, Lermontov Str. 130a, Irkutsk, 664033, Russia.
Phone: +79834036864, +7 3952 51-21-60; Fax/Phone.: +7 3952 51-14-38.


Registration form and abstract template

Registration form and abstract text are formed in a single file of doc or rtf format, the file name contains the conference name, reporter’s last name, city and abbreviation of the organization/institution represented by the reporter. File name is typed in Latin letters; underline symbol is used for separating words (e.g. “LLPh2018_Petrov_Irkutsk_ISU.doc”). Language is Russian or English, word processing software - Word for Windows (Times New Roman font, size 14), maximum volume of abstract text - 1 (one) page of А4 format, single line spacing, all margins - 25 mm (1 inch).
The table of the registration form is placed on the 1st page of the file. The second page begins with the title of paper, list of authors, name and address of the organization where the paper was performed, and contact e-mail address. After two blank lines the abstract text begins.
Use of complicated mathematical expressions and pictures in abstracts is not recommended. Pictures in abstract text must be put into a table of 2 lines or columns so that the first line/column contains picture and the second one contains a centered caption in Times New Roman font, size 12. Formulae must be typed in Microsoft equation (the tool included with MS Word). The list of cited sources may be placed at the end of the text, after a blank line, starting with the word “References:” (Italic). It is followed by the list of sources, numbered by Arabic numerals. References in text must be isolated by square brackets (e.g. “… in papers [1,2]”), usage of hyperlinks is not allowed.

Manuscripts of lectures and papers publication

Manuscripts will be published in a special issue of refereed journal and on the web site http://elibrary.ru.

Sample of Abstract:


A.A. Ivanov, B.B. Petrov

Irkutsk Branch of Institute of Laser Physics SB RAS,
664033, Irkutsk, Lermontov str. 130а, mail@mail.com


In this work authors...

Fig. 1. Description of the picture...


1.       J.A. Armstrong, N. Bloembergen, J. Ducuing, P.S. Pershan, Phys. Rev. , 127, 1918-1939, (1962).

3.       V.G. Bespalov, N.S. Makarov, Proc. SPIE , 4638, 30-40, (2002).